Monday, June 28, 2010

Operation Outreach= Success

I'm happy to say that Operation Outreach was a success! According to this article, over 1,000 people were served, but I have it under good authority that the total number of people in attendance well exceeded 1,000. We had a booth out front in the social services fair area, as well as a seat at the housing specialty table in the "west wing." Here's a picture of our table, where we gave out information on our residential program and provided information on food stamps. We also gave away board games and pens, which were both a HUGE hit.
In the west wing, our Family Advocate worked with clients one on one and assessed them for a possible fit with our emergency financial assistance and residential programs. About a half dozen appointments were set as a result of the event, as well as providing information and referral to many, many families.

This is a picture of the event area as things are just starting to get underway- this is my attempt at an "aerial" shot, but since I'm only five feet tall you'll need to use your imagination!

I would be remiss if I didn't mention a few awesome organizations that made this thing happen:
- Osceola County and the social services team there, for putting the whole thing together in a matter of weeks
- Give Kids Safe Shelter, for providing financial support
- Community of Faith Church, who provided not only a whole cadre of trained and smiling volunteers, but also provided financial support
- Our fellow provider agencies

This is why I love Osceola- with partnerships and hard work, a lot can be achieved in a short amount of time! Sphere: Related Content

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